6 benefits of installing security shutters

6 benefits of installing security shutters

Walk around any town or city centre late at night and roller security shutters won’t be hard to find.

Retail stores and other commercial properties use these shutters to protect themselves from theft and other criminal activity outside of their opening hours, making it much harder for thieves or vandals to force their way inside.

With so many different smart security technologies on the market these days, what is it about the simplicity of security shutters that makes them so effective and ensures they remain one of the most effective and smartest security investments that any business can make.

At select security solutions ltd we help businesses of all shapes and sizes to protect themselves from a variety of external threats, and security shutter installation ranks as one of the most effective security tools time and time again.

In this blog we will explore exactly why that is the case, and why you should be strongly considering installing your own screens if they aren’t already in place.

security shutters

Benefits of rolling security screens

Strong and sturdy

CCTV or AI powered alarm systems are all very good, but nothing stops intruders in their tracks quite like cold hard steel. Roller shutters are strong, robust, and incredible durable, a powerful combination indeed.

Deterrent to intruders

Very few criminals carefully plan out heists like you see in the movies. Most are opportunistic and are looking for the highest possible return with very little effort and the lowest possible risk.

Trying to get through a steel security screen is anything but low effort and the sight alone will put off the vast majority of criminals.

Protection against the elements

It is not only people that shutters keep out. Roller shutters provide fantastic protection against adverse weather as will, meaning that when things get ugly outside, your assets remains safe, dry and warm on the inside.

Simple to use

There is no complicated coding or set-up process here. Most modern security doors are controlled by a single touch of a button, adding very little effort to your daily tasks whilst adding a huge amount to your security system.

Energy Saving

Roller shutters add an extra layer between your property and the outside world, improving insulation and energy efficiency and making  it easier to stay warm during the winter months. By far the biggest return on your investment you will see from a shutter door is the increase in security it provides, but a boost to your thermal efficiency isn’t something to turn your nose up at, especially in the current climate.

Professional appearance

A company that has roller shutters in place is clearly one that is serious about protecting their investment and is an indication of professionalism that will impress your target market and competitors alike.

Depending on your business, it may also make customers more confident about choosing your services as they are reassured that any sensitive information or valuable items they leave in your possession will be looked after property and protected properly.
